AcuDart At-Home Bartonella Test

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    Simple fingerprick blood draw

    Fast, accurate results

Bartonellosis is a group of diseases caused by species of the genus Bartonella. Studies have found that certain Bartonella species are carried by the same ticks that carry Lyme disease, and ticks are likely the chief source of human Bartonellosis infection. Several species of Bartonella cause severe diseases in humans, such as Cat scratch disease (CSD), endocarditis, trench fever, and Carrion’s disease.

The AcuDart At-Home Bartonellosis Test is the most comprehensive and accurate test available because it identifies antibodies to the following four Bartonella species: B. henselae, B. quintana, B. elizabethae and B. vinsonii. Most tests look for only one species, and therefore miss many positive cases.

How it Works

Collect your sample at home and mail it back.


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Collect your sample and mail it back with prepaid shipping.


Receive digital results in 1-3 days.

Collecting Your Blood

All we need are a few drops.

That's right! A few drops of blood is all we need to test for Bartonellosis. Our sample collection card is an alternative collection method, similar to an SST tube. Red blood cells are separated without a centrifuge, enabling the laboratory to perform tests on dry blood.


Is this methodology accurate? Yes! The test results have been cross-validated against standard finger prick and venous draws.

Collecting Your Blood

All we need are a few drops.

A few drops of blood is all we need to test for eight species of Lyme causing borrelia. Red blood cells are separated without a centrifuge, enabling the laboratory to perform tests on dry blood. The test results have been cross-validated against standard finger prick and venous draws.

AcuDart Detects Multiple Bartonella Species

B. henselae

B. henselae is a bacterium that causes cat scratch disease (CSD), also known as cat scratch fever.

B. quintana

B. quintana infection is most commonly associated with body louse infestations in areas of high population density and poor sanitation.

B. elizabethae

B. elizabethae causes disease in both humans and animals. Most commonly, it causes endocarditis, or inflammation of the inner layer of the heart tissue. 

B. vinsonii

B. vinsonii is a gram-negative bacteria that can infect mammals, including dogs and cats. It can cause a variety of diseases in dogs. 

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